Time Saving Tips

My 5 Favorite Tasks to Complete in the School Pickup Line

The school pickup line is wild! Two years ago when my daughter became a car rider, I had no idea what I was in for.  I’d heard stories and seen footage of long lines, but didn’t really know how it would be until I was in it. I ended up having to get to school 45 min before they let out in order to at least be on the school grounds!  Because of this large block of newfound time, I turned it into productive time and would get a lot of tasks done while waiting for school to let out.  Though my wait is not as long now, I still work on tasks with the time I have while waiting. Here are my 5 favorite things to do while waiting in the school pickup line.

  1. Work on blog posts or emails

    This 20-45 minute window is the perfect time to catch up on tasks that I didn’t complete over the weekend like drafting blog posts or emails for my email list.  This gives me time to put the finishing touches on my content.

  2. Plan out my content

    Sometimes my monthly planning session doesn’t align with my scheduled Saturday and I end up planning my content for the month in that 20-45 minute timeframe. If you don’t plan your content in advance because you find it hard to find the time to do it, this is a perfect time!

  3. Create and edit Reels and social posts

    This is a great time to create and/or edit Reels drafts and social media posts.  I’ve created brand new Reels in my car and edited them while waiting in line.  You can also work on creating your post descriptions since that can take some time and thought to create.

  4. Create my grocery list

    I have used this time to add groceries to my grocery list.  I love grocery delivery since I gain1.5 hours back to my day, so I will start creating my list towards the end of the week in time for a weekend delivery.  Meal planning and grocery list creation are huge tasks to complete that can be done while waiting for school to let out.

  5. Relax

    Hey, relaxation is something that busy Moms find hard to fit into their day.  Look at this as “You” time.  Sit in the car and listen to relaxing music, listen to a podcast, watch a tv show on your phone, or even take a nap!  This time is all for you to do whatever you want to do.  Make it count!

Do you sit in a school pickup line?  If so, what are some things you do to make the time go by faster?

Simplify Your Morning Routine: Back-to-School Edition

It’s back-to-school season (already!), so it’s time to get back into the groove of school schedules, routines, homework and more.  One of the first things to think about when getting back into the groove is your morning routine.  Today I will be discussing ways to simplify your school morning routine.

  1. Meal plan & prep for breakfast + lunch

    Nothing brings on more anxiety than trying to figure out what to make for lunch in real-time. I love to prepare for the week by knowing what I’m going to pack for my daughters lunch each day. This also goes for breakfast items. I make breakfast items in bulk so they can easily be picked from in the mornings. By planning out your meals for breakfast and lunch for the week, this will eliminate lots of stress and wasted time in the mornings.

  2. Make lunch at night

    Along with planning lunches and breakfasts, making lunches at night is also a great way to reduce morning stress and to make the mornings run smoother. I usually pack a cold lunch for my daughter, however, this year I plan to incorporate hot thermos lunches. These meals will be made in advance, so I can easily pull them out in the morning, warm them up and put them in the thermos. By making items in bulk, it will also reduce the morning rush. I also prepare her snacks for the week on Sundays, so I don’t have to do these everyday either. Any little thing you can do to eliminate or reduce time spent is helpful and every minute counts!

  3. Group school items together for easy access (backpack, jacket, keys, etc)

    Another great way to keep the mornings running smoothly is by keeping all of your items in one area that need to leave the house. This means things like your child’s backpack, lunch, jacket, your keys, your bags, etc. By keeping things in one area it will eliminate lost time in the morning trying to search for these things and trying to gather them together.

  4. Become one with the weather report

    The weather report for the week is a huge help for my household because it determines the clothes that I’m going to pick for my daughter for the week (it also determines the type of meals that I will be making for dinner!). Of o know it’s going to be rainy on certain days, I choose outfits and shoes accordingly. I’d it’s going to be hotter on some days than others, I select shorts or dresses. Having an idea of the weather conditions for the week is extremely helpful to make mornings run smoother.

  5. Select and iron clothes for the week all at once

    Being armed with the weather report, you can then select your children’s (and yours!) clothes for the week. Iron them all at once to knock out a huge morning task in advance and add a few minutes to your morning by eliminating wasted time trying to figure out what to wear. I usually do this on Sunday’s since I’m prepping other things for the week on this day as well.

  6. Add more responsibility to kids each year

    Each year, my daughter is getting more responsibilities added to her plate. This year she will be playing more of an active roll in her breakfast. It will be easy to identify what your child can begin doing. For example, if they can reach their clothes in the closet, they can help choose their outfits for the week. They can also do small things for breakfast time like get their own water, pour their own milk and cereal, help pack their lunch and/or snack, etc. These small things will help a great deal when it comes to time saving.

What are some things you implement in your day and week to save time in the mornings?